Katniss's Father In The Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins

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Many themes throughout the novel the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins can be associated with Katniss's father in the novel: however, only the theme of survival truly represents what her father is in the story and drives this theme forward. This man had taught Katniss essentially everything she knows involving survival by analyzing his problems, figuring out how to solve them, and then acting on those ideas. His cleverness, craftiness, and death all shaped Katniss's life from her learning by example from him. Now, her challenge is to survive using everything that her father had taught her now in the games and in everyday life; advancing this theme. Katniss's father was one of the smartest people in her life, and practically taught her everything …show more content…

5). Craftiness is an important skill for survival, and the fact that her father was able to make bows allowed Katniss to learn how to shoot in the first place, a skill she ends up desperately needing later to survive. Also, his ability to make not only one but several bows meant that Katniss has extra if she ever manages to break or lose the one that she has. Another display of craftiness is in the quote: "But my father added other entries to the book. Plants for eating, not healing," (Pg. 50). As of now, she can use a book to find edible plants out in the forest, and becomes very important to her shown by the quote: "I checked and double checked the plants I harvested with my father's pictures. I kept us alive," (Pg. 51). Lastly, her father had displayed how crafty he was in just trying to marry Katniss's mother. For example: "My father got to know my mother because on his hunts he would sometimes collect medicine I'll herbs and sell them to her shop to be brewed into remedies," displays how he had went to the shop to trade the herbs he found for medicine I'll supplies that he could probably use in case of accident (Pg. 8). Secondly, marrying an apothecary could be very useful if he ever got hurt hunting. However, even with all of the measures he takes, he sill ends up dying in the end, and dramatically drives the theme of survival

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