Katherine Johnson Biography

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The Girl Who Loved to Count I. Colin Powell said, “A dream does not become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work”. This quote is the perfect one to describe Katherine Johnson because when she first got into NACA, they would not let women in the meetings they had to discuss the process of their projects or of their future projects. With her determination, Katherine was let into the meetings and thanks to that, she was able to do what she did. Because of all her hard work, Katherine Johnson has been recognized for doing the calculation that sent the first American to space, and overcoming the barriers of being an African American woman. (THESIS). Katherine Johnson was born in 1918, date not specified, White Sulfur Springs, West Virginia. Numbers …show more content…

Her intelligence allowed to skip through grades at a very young age. By 10 years old, she was already a high school freshman. By 18, she enrolled in West Virginia State College, where she found a mentor by the name of Professor W. W. Schieffel in Claytor. He was the third African American to earn a PhD in mathematics. When integration occurred in 1939, Dr. John W. Davis chose Katherine and two other students to get to the West Virginia University. After a while, she quit to start a family. She returned to teach and in 1952, she became interested in the West Area Computing Section at the NACA’s (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics) later on called NASA (n. pag.).
Katherine Johnson was one of the women who made to calculations or the trajectory of the space mission Freedom 7 As soon as she began her work, Dorothy Vaughan put her

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