Juxtaposition In Pulp Fiction

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That is right! Guns, violence, drugs, dungeons, and dancing come together to create Quentin Tarantino’s film feature, instant classic. Pulp Fiction is an absurd comedy that blends together the trivial with “lurid subject matter”, as “Pulp” is defined at the start of the movie, which makes the serious inconsequential and the insignificant relevant; made up of multiple people’s stories of desperate search for a fulfilling, successful life, the stories come together like a puzzle and entice the viewer through sheer curiosity. And just like any Quentin Tarantino film, some will love it and some will scoff at its mention.
The juxtaposition of Illicit, R rated plot with seemingly trivial, unrelated subject matter simultaneously placates the seriousness of the movie’s face value and brings the philosophical, theological, and the absurd to the forefront of relevance. As Vincent Vega and Jules Winnfield are on their way to kill someone for high level gangster, Marsellus Wallace, they strike up a conversation about the “little differences” between America and Europe, which Vega has just visited; they proceed to break into an apartment and kill three people. The dialogue sounds so typical that it creates an atmosphere of commonality which frames the subsequent murder and trivializes it. Conversely, the violence causes a sudden shift, making the conversation much …show more content…

His preceding hit film, Reservoir Dogs, also incorporates the violent with the ludicrous, such as when a hostage gets his ear cut off with a straight razor to the sound of “Stuck in the Middle with You” by Stealers Wheel. Furthermore, his later film series, Kill Bill, features gratuitous violence, more so than either Pulp Fiction or Reservoir Dogs, through unbelievably ridiculous sword fighting. Being directed and co-authored by Tarantino, Pulp Fiction is the epitome of his style, which never fails to

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