Justin Beiber Concert Observation

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When I was thirteen years old I attended a Justin Beiber concert, when she, Shelby, attended the Florida Georgia line concert she was 17. I attended the concert with my Grandma, nana, my cousins, Addy and Madison, and my two little sisters, Shelby and Brea while she attended it with a close friend of hers. We went all the way to the Alltel Arena now known as the Verizon Arena in Little Rock Arkansas, this is the same place that her concert took place. There is a lot of differences between our concerts before, during, and after we finish out concert.
Before the concert she stopped and ate at the Texas Road house while we ate at the concert instead. We both gathered about the same ride from where she left here in Newport and I left from McCrory, but the two drives equal up to about an hour and a half. Because they stopped and ate they didn’t make it to the concert very early like we did. When she made it she was walking unlike us when we made it we were sitting outside on the curve of the road waiting to enter our concert. So before the concert the only thing we had in common was the long ride to the concert and there was quite a few differences.
During the concerts there wasn’t much of a difference besides her not eating during the concert …show more content…

At I-Hop, I ate chocolate chip pancakes smothered with syrup on them and Shelby also ate pancakes but not chocolate chip and she had some bacon. Although we were all very tired we still continued to laugh and carry on about how much fun we had at the concert and so did Shelby and her friend. We all stayed awake and listening to some more of Justin Beiber’s music and on Shelby’s way home they just listened to whatever they felt like listening to. When we arrived at home, we were all very drained from all the activities that were took place that day before, during, and after the concert as well as Shelby and her

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