Justice In Health Care Essay

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Justice In healthcare, justice refers to providing the people with equitable/fair and adequate access to the healthcare services. Electronic health record systems could help provide efficient and effective, higher quality care to a larger number of people, thus making the healthcare system more equitable but at the same time have the potential to create new injustices. The already existing digital divide between various socioeconomic groups of the society can actually be exacerbated by the electronic health record systems. High socioeconomic groups with greater access to internet, computer and digital health records might enjoy the full benefits of electronically accessible health records compared …show more content…

This raw data have the potential not only to impact the quality and level of care at the hour of need but also, to significantly affect the follow up care in chronic disease patients. In addition to this, health related data available in the electronic health records have the potential to aid in groundbreaking biomedical and public health research which would help the patients and the society as a whole. Trends, pathologies, incidence and prevalence rates and patterns of various disease states can be determined using the EHR data. This epidemiological information in turn, would aid in developing appropriate public health programs and health promotion policies in the country. But, in order to derive the full benefits of EHR systems, this information should be released by the patients to the scientist and researchers. For this reason, the EHR systems should be designed in such a way that 1) patients have the ability to release their health information to the research agencies autonomously and 2) approved researchers have access to such data. That being said, patients should also be able to opt out of such situations autonomously. Health care providers and researches should use the information available on the electronic records for the maximum welfare of their patients with the informed consent and respect for their

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