Juno Film Analysis Essay

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In the classic film Juno, director Jason Reitman sends the message through different film techniques such as sound, characterization and camera angling to portray the theme of the movie that it is okay to be different because no one is the same. Initially when watching the movie many viewers believe it is simply telling a story of a teenage pregnancy and how it is handled through the young adolescent Juno. Although once the movie is picked apart and analyzed through what is known as mise-en-scene, which literally means everything in scene, it is clear the movie is not what it appears to be. According to Tarancon, the author of an article about the background of the story in Juno, it was learned that the classic movie was filmed in an era where …show more content…

Sound falls in to two categories, diegetic and non-diegetic meaning sound that is natural, and sound that has been added such as a music. The director uses sound by making everything in the background sound very low to heighten the sound of her breathing so it is easily heard. This technique is another way to express the emotion of nervousness as well as show how scared the character must feel. Although the words Juno says at the time is quite jokingly stated the way sound is used helps portray a different feeling for the audience to experience. Different film techniques often times, subtly help the audience feel what the characters are actually feeling, despite what may have been said, it helps get the directors true message across in a creative way. This scene perfectly shows exactly how it is possible to do this as well as showing how it is …show more content…

In the film she is a popular cheerleader with a very different personality from Juno as well as style and belief system. No matter the differences between the characters, they are still best friends. Many may wonder why the two are best friends but it is clear the reason being is because they have the same mindset of being true to themselves and not caring what others think or conforming to society’s pressure of ‘normal’. They make each other happy despite their differences because they accept the fact the different is okay and sometimes what makes life

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