Juno And Dido In The Aeneid

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Similarly, like Dido, the goddess Juno is portrayed by Virgil as emotional and enraged. He carefully paints the picture that; not only the women are on earth are swayed by their emotion, but also the female goddesses is subject to emotions. In the opening of Book I create a picture that not only is women emotionally, but they are petty; and the smallest amount of insult or threat generates an emotional response. And Virgil justifies this reason when he states the reason for Juno’s anger towards the Trojans, especially Aeneas. And it is because the Trojan goddess voted against in the beauty contest and also because she knows that the Trojans will one day destroy her beloved city of Carthage. Even though these things are things of the distant past for Juno, it shows that …show more content…

“Am I to admit defeat/ Unable to keep these Trojans and their kings/ From Italy? Forbidden by the Fates, am I?” (1.50-52). Knowing the outcome doesn’t sway the decisions of Juno at all is overcome with rage. It is keen to note that rage is one of the most important themes of The Aeneid and is showed from the poem starts till it ends. Juno and Dido are the two major characters that are affected by this rage. It is Juno who allows Dido to believe that she and Aeneas are married; with hopes that Aeneas would not leave to the build the city of Rome. The intervention of the gods shows how they can easily sway the lives of their mortal men for their own personal desires. For example, when Juno incites rage on the Trojan women allowing them to burn their ships. Virgil clearly shows that aren’t no women of rationality all women are controlled by their emotions. It is clear from the start that Juno is on a man hunt to put an end to the Trojans reign; as result Aeneas becomes a subject of Juno’s rage. Virgil depicts Juno as vengeful Antagonist who tortures a pietious man,

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