Jung Woo's Practice Questions

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Jung-Woo is doing well but needs to apply a little more effort and follow through in the course. He was not happy with his periodic table exam and asked many times about retaking the exam to improve the score. Unfortunately he did not schedule a time to retake the exam. He puts forth a strong effort during class to be involved as we learn the new material and tries the practice questions that are given to the class. Outside of class though I think he can use his time more wisely to prepare before exams and I would encourage him to take advantage of office hours and after school sessions when he has questions. His results on the organic chemistry unit exam were good and showed that he understood the content related to naming organic compounds …show more content…

He is consistently the most engaged and involved student in class that is pushing to understand the content at level beyond what is asked for. During our class discussions he asks many questions as we discuss the new content and always completes the practice questions that go along with the lesson. Often his peers will seek him out for help both in and out of class as they know that he has a very good understanding of the course. Both of his exam scores for the quarter were level 7 and this is difficult to achieve considering the challenging nature of the higher level chemical bonding content and the large amount of new information that students were required to know about organic chemistry. His practice internal assessment paper included a well structure analysis with full raw data, data processing, and uncertainty of measurement included. In the evaluation he formed correct conclusions about the data and wrote detailed information about the strengths and weaknesses of the method. My only suggestion for improvement in the evaluation was to add a little more detail about the possible extensions of the experiment. Based upon his practice internal assessment paper Dominick should be very successful when the time comes to write his actual internal assessment paper next year. Next year Dominick will need to continue with his strong effort of learning the new content while …show more content…

He has made some attempts to increase his effort level at times throughout the year which is encouraging. In the fourth quarter he struggled on the organic chemistry unit exam. Organic chemistry is a very challenging topic with much information to remember in regards to naming organic compounds and writing organic chemical reactions. William often did not spend enough time outside of class reviewing the new information he had learned. He was able to solve many of the questions in class the day the lesson was taught but he did not retain the information for the exam. Even though he was not the most successful on exams I valued that William continued to try and he would seek out help during class. A large summative assessment of this quarter was a lab report about the enthalpy of combustion of alcohols experiment that was carried out in the laboratory. William did well in cooperating with his lab partner to complete the experiment but he did not submit a lab report with the data and evaluation of the results. To be more successful in his science courses William needs to apply more effort outside of the classroom and make sure he completes all of the assessments for the

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