Josef Mengele Hippocratic Oath

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Making new discoveries and learning new things should not cost people their lives. Josef Mengele performed a myriad of tests on the inmates at the Auschwitz concentration camp. Most of these tests were done on twins, children, and sometimes newborn babies. These experiments often resulted in the death of the test subject. Since these tests killed people, they broke the hippocratic oath. The hippocratic oath is taken by doctors saying that they will not harm anyone. Because of the harm Josef Mengele caused with his experiments, he should not have the title of doctor. The hippocratic oath is an ancient ethical code that dates back to the Greek physician Hippocrates. This oath was taken by doctors that states that doctors must only provide …show more content…

Some of the tests that Mengele performed on the prisoners of Auschwitz included freezing people, unfreezing the body as fast as possible, and injecting twins with chemicals to see if they could survive (Medical Experiments of the Holocaust). These tests often resulted in the death of the subject, which caused Mengele to take more people from the concentration camp to test on. Mengele repeated this cycle over and over again which resulted in countless deaths of inmates. Mengele sent approximately 400,000 jews to their deaths while working at Auschwitz (Broder). Mengele was also the person who made the judgement on who would work at Auschwitz and who would die. Mengele killed many people by claiming they were unable to work and sending them to their deaths. Due to the fact that Mengele killed thousands of innocent inmates he should not be regarded as a …show more content…

A large amount of the prisoners that Mengele tested were twins. Mengele tested around 3,000 twins while at Auschwitz (Spencer). Josef Mengele tested an abundant amount of twins because the tests he performed frequently killed them. A few of the tests on twins included injecting them with chemicals, drawing blood from one twin and giving it to the other, and taking body parts off of the twins. These tests were extremely deadly which caused only about 100 twins to survive Mengele’s tests (Spencer). Usually, Mengele experimented on the twins for a couple weeks, then Mengele would kill the twins and take their body parts to be examined. This is the major reason why only 100 of the original 3,000 twins survived Mengele’s tests. Josef Mengele was a murderer who killed to learn new information and because of this he should not have the title of

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