Johns Hopkins Medicine Strengths And Weaknesses

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Johns Hopkins Medicine is an array of non-governmental and non-profit making organizations founded as a result of the philanthropic act of Johns Hopkins. They include: The Johns Hopkins University, Johns Hopkins Hospital and Johns Hopkins International. Johns Hopkins Medicine has strategic partnerships with Sibley Memorial hospital among others.
The purpose of Johns Hopkins Medicine is to pioneer research in the fields of medicine to help cure, suppress the causative agents as well as come up with new approaches to medicine. Altogether, Johns Hopkins Medicine includes six academic and community hospitals, four suburban health care and surgery centers. They also have more than 30 primary health care outpatient and inpatient centers, and a broad array of international and national patient programs. Johns Hopkins Medicine is situated in Maryland whereby they are the fore runners in the field of medicine, educational research and pioneers of alternatives to medicine. Nationally, the centers are the back bone of American medicine with great emphasis in neurosurgery among other fields.
Strengths and Weaknesses. …show more content…

These achievements have been achieved due to strategic management by the management. The management is more related to that of any other firm or organization with emphasis being in the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities. The strengths are the propelling force that help the institutions under Johns Hopkins to achieve exemplary success in the fields of inpatient care, educational research and innovation. These strengths include: quality infrastructure, latest medical equipment, large financial resources and reserves to cater for the unseen, high trained medical doctors, nurses and technicians, large floor space that enables them to host extensive research

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