John Straffen

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John Straffen, the monster man. 40 years inside the can. Charles Bronson is gaining up. Charles Bronson has run amuck. Despite the fact that Bronson is Britain's most violent prisoner, he is not the prisoner who has served the most time. That less than prestigious title belonged to John Thomas Straffen (1930-2007), a British serial killer who murdered three little girls. Straffen himself had been imprisoned for some 55 years before his death, and at the time was the prisoner who had done the most time. Now that gruesome title goes to Ian Brady, a man imprisoned for sex crimes and murders- all involving children. Thankfully Mr. Brady has been rotting away slowly in a cell since 1965. Perhaps Bronson may surpass these felons one day if he doesn't get out anytime soon. Maybe he'd be the next Straffen. Excluding the murders, of course. (1) In Bronson's poem "STRAFFEN" he speaks of Straffen himself. Straffen actually did time with Bronson. Charles Bronson had …show more content…

Now an old man, waiting to die. The sooner the better, I tell no lie" are the final words closing Bronson's short poem Straffen. Now I'd like to discuss how Bronson himself sees Straffen. Bronson detests Straffen. He is disgusted by Straffen. Despite the fact the Bronson himself has attempted murder, and probably would feel little to no remorse in the taking of someone's life, I believe he still thinks of himself higher because he hasn't done the deed. He hasn't done what the other hoodlums and outcasts have done. He sees a separation between his glorious self and them. In the film he says "I wasn't bad. I wasn't bad bad." Clearly he is conflicted and confused. He is a monster but he knows he is one, and he knows to what extent his monstrosity exists. Straffen was an individual beyond repair. Straffen scares Bronson. All this can be seen just through a few simple words jotted down by a madman. Maybe I am wrong and maybe I am right. Maybe Bronson is right. Maybe we're all

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