John M Barry Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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Scientists are constantly forced to test their work and beliefs. Thus they need the ability to embrace the uncertainty that science is based on. This is a point John M. Barry uses throughout the passage to characterize scientific research, and by using rhetorical devices such as, comparison, specific diction, and contrast he is able show the way he views and characterizes scientific research. One of the most effective methods Barry uses throughout the aforementioned passage, is his comparison of scientists to explorers. The first lines of paragraph four set up the comparison, “All real scientists exist on the frontier,” this furthers the point Barry makes that scientific research is about uncertainty and embracing it, only then will the research that is done yield any answers. Barry furthers the point of uncertainty is the very nature of science with this quote, “There they probe in a …show more content…

In the passage Barry says, “It is not the courage to venture into the unknown. It is the courage to accept—indeed, embrace—uncertainty.” He uses the specific diction of venture, and embrace to further his points on how scientists must embrace the uncertainty, instead of just being prepared to venture into it. This also leads into how he contrasts embracing uncertainty and venturing into uncertainty. He is able to show that although they seem like the same thing, in the end they are very different. Venturing into the unknown does not mean you are prepared to accept it, especially with how most people are scared of the unknown. Though being able to accept the unknown and the uncertainty that comes with it truly defines scientific research. Overall, John M. Barry was able to define and characterize scientific research. Using rhetorical strategies such as, comparison, specific diction, and contrast Barry is able to show how scientific research is uncertainty

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