John Green Research Paper

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John Green is a modern author and YouTuber who many would consider to be successful. He has published seven books, two of which are already successful movies, and at least one other is in the process of being converted into a major motion picture. His YouTube account that he and his brother, Hank Green, maintain, “VlogBrothers”, has around 3 million subscribers and his “Crash Course” YouTube account has over 5 million subscribers (7a). He and his brother also created VidCon, which has turned out to be one of the biggest conferences for the online video community, hosting about 168 creators and now occurring internationally with one event in Australia and one event in Europe – and the original event in the US (4a). Green has accomplished all this while still being under 40 years old. His success can be attributed to the unique situations he was exposed to and his hard work. John …show more content…

One obstacle he faced was his obsessive compulsive disorder. This disorder makes life difficult, including writing books, because it causes someone to not only be an extreme perfectionist, but to also be more prone to anxiety in general. It could make it hard to focus on one thing when he has so many other responsibilities (Vlogbrothers, Crash Course, Vidcon, Charity organizations he created to give largesse to people in need, etc.) (7). He has worked through this mental illness by getting therapists and medicine and learning “to celebrate small successes. I’ve learned to encourage myself without being cruel. I’ve learned that there is hope, and when I feel like there isn’t hope, my brain is lying to me” (Green, 2015). The mental strength to seek help in the form of psychiatrists and treatments, is something Gladwell states to be present in outliers because “outliers are those… who have had the strength and presence of mind to seize [opportunities]” (Gladwell, 2008,

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