Joe Brown Substance Abuse Case Study

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Browns Family’s Assessment
Joe Brown
Joe Brown is a thirty five year old, African-American male. He has a history of alcohol abuse dating back approximately twenty years. He has quit drinking and has six years of sobriety. He has been married to Cindy for six years and they have two children together, Joe Jr. five years old and Jewel two years old. Joe also has a son from a previous marriage, Corey age sixteen. Joe is a carpenter by trade, but currently works at the airport. He is the primary income earner for the family. Joe has a strong belief in his faith and he hopes his family can become involved in his faith. Joe is concern with the family’s living arrangement above the bar and the alcohol and drug usage at the bar. Joe is angry …show more content…

She is the younger of the two children of Joe and Cindy. She was born during her mother bout of drug use. Children and Family Services was monitoring the case and closed the case after six months.

1. I can say the entire family is the client. The entire family have issues that needs to be addressed, and as a social worker, I can suggest a few goals for the family so it will not overwhelm the family unit. I feel Cindy’s issues are a priority over the other family’s needs, because she is the primary caretaker of the family. Cindy has also stated she is under stress and have impulses of using again. Working with Cindy also crosses over to the other family members to also help them.
2. The family is in the pre-contemplation stage. The family has not consider its issues as problems and the family members are looking at other individuals as the problem.
3. One motivation for change will be the family staying together. Another would be building trust, positive communication, and prevent a negative experience.
4. Environmental supports for the family are Joe’s job at the airport, Corey’s school, and the local stores where Cindy shops. The bus as transportation can be an example of environmental …show more content…

The one principle I can use to take action with this family is “The Non-Judgement Attitude” principle. I chose this principle because the family members have been judging each other regarding their perception of their issues. A main goal for the family would be to stop judging each other and to help one another to succeed in obtaining goals by working together.
21. One immediate crisis is Cindy being overwhelmed with the day to day activities and her impulses to use again. Corey has a crisis because he has failed to make friends in school, and he has alienated himself from his classmates. Corey has resentment feeling toward his parents. Joe is dissatisfied with his new job.
22. I would make alcohol and drug referral services for Cindy, counseling services for the entire family, parenting classes for both parents, a father engagement program for Joe, a mentoring program for Corey, Early Head Start program for Joe Jr., Cindy can also work on marketing her business to generate additional income for the

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