Joan Of Arc: A Hero

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Joan of Arc
Christopher Reeve once said “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” Joan of Arc was a hero, because she was an ordinary girl who took down obstacles to be able to fight for France. Joan was a peasant girl, and in the eyes of men, she had little to no power. Men were declared superior, and women were declared inferior. Joan faced many struggles because of her gender and social class in the world of Medieval Europe. Joan struggled being able to go and talk to the Dauphin, heir to the throne, about her claims. She insisted that saints came down to her and told her to save France, “I was in my thirteenth year when I heard a voice from God to help me govern
In the book titled (insert book title), the author described how Joan was captured in the battle of Siege of Compiègne by the English and taken back to England to be tried for witchcraft. Some French people might have helped the English capture Joan because of jealousy and the fact they did not like that a girl was challenging their superiority. The only way they were able to get rid of her was to help the enemy to capture her. When she was put on trial, the people against her tried asking her questions that either way she answered she would answer incorrectly. She responded with vague answers to keep herself alive, “You say that you are my judge, I don't know if you are [or not]; but take care not to judge wrongly, lest you place yourself in great danger; and [I] notify you of this, so that if our Lord punishes you for it, I will have done my duty in telling you." Eventually, Joan was burned at the stake for witchcraft after many trials. Some of her last words were “I ask you priests of God, to please say a Mass for my soul's salvation. I beg all of you standing here to forgive me the harm that I may have done you. Please pray for me.” Joan would not have been burned at the stake for witchcraft if she was a man. Men were not able to be witches and because of her gender she was killed. In the end, she was betrayed by her own country which she chose to fight for and successfully

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