Jethro's Impact On Life

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I can’t wait for a war to start, Jethro thought to himself. That seemed great and all but in reality it would come back and bite him later in life. Though super excited for the war it turned out to affect his life in a negative way. This is a big bummer for him as it really does negatively affect him later in life. Many things impact his life most negatively but a few are positive. Some of the negative effects include he grew up too fast, had to separate himself from his family, and he grew up during a time of war. I think one of the major things that impacted his life was just that he grew up during the Civil War. This would have a major impact of a growing child, as things are usually different during time of war and not time of war. This adds a lot of factors that would affect a young growing child. For example “When the barn was burned to a pile of glowing coals,” (p 113, Hunt). This happened to the Creighton family because their son Bill was fighting for the rebels and not the Union, even though the rest of the family was fighting for the Union cause. Another example of this stuff would be “Fear the night Guy …show more content…

For example “ “ Tendin’ a team is man’s work.” “ (p 108 Hunt) Jethro said this at the age of ten years old showing that he already considers himself a man. Another example of the same thing is “If someone asked Jethro to name a time when he left childhood behind him, he might have named that last week of March in 1862” (p 97 Hunt) Again showing that ten year old Jethro already considers himself an adult, when most people don’t consider themselves until at least 18 years old. My final example “ you bein’ big enough to handle a team alone”. (p 153 Hunt) Jethro is even recognized as having grown up to fast by his own family friend EB. As you can see Jethro clearly grew up to the responsiblity of a mature adult at a very young

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