Jesus Reflection Paper

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The Son of God, the Messiah, the Lamb of God, whatever name you prefer to call Him, His name is Jesus Christ. His teachings were full of information that followers used to get closer to God and to be able to understand the words of the Father. From His death to His resurrection, Jesus always showed courage and hopefulness because He knew that He was going home. There are many books in the Bible that speak of the second coming Jesus Christ, in just the New Testament alone, 23 out of the 27 books speak of His return. Christ has also made a big impact on my life, and is continuing to do so every day. The Holy Bible tells about Jesus’ teachings, His death and resurrection, and His return, we, as Christians, use these stories to know how much Jesus loves us and that one day, He will return to bring us home.
Jesus’ Teachings
Jesus teachings were meant to bring those who listened closer to God and to know Him better. They listened to Jesus and were taught what God expects of them. Jesus was a very kindhearted and sympathetic person toward those who were suffering. He also recognized and rewarded the faith that people showed in Him. In Matthew 5-7, Jesus sat down on the mountainside to teach His disciples as the crowds started gathering around Him, and so began the Sermon on …show more content…

I believe Jesus is not as important when it comes to impacting our leaders, our businesses, education, and our government. If they were closer to Christ and valued His Word more, the leaders would make laws that were fair for everyone, and businesses would not raise praises just to make their pockets full. If a school was influenced by the Word of God, they would have a more Christian based curriculum and instill Christian values in the students. The government would look out for the best interest of the people instead of worrying about how much money they will

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