James Longstreet And Leadership In Michael Shaara's The Killer Angels

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In the historical fiction novel, The Killer Angels written by Michael Shaara, James Longstreet is a formidable and pragmatic leader of the Confederate army. Longstreet instills both confidence and followership within his men through his strategic ideas, intuitive insight, and considerable sense of responsibility. He is a true man of intellect with deep-seated emotions; a leader connected to his men and holding himself accountable for their well-being. General Longstreet was more than capable as a leader of the Confederate army and was worthy of the respect which was given to him. Longstreet demonstrates his excellence in leadership through his modern outlook and strategic capabilities. His analytical thinking and continual observance allow him to formulate plans of attack and provide sound insight before marching into battle. On the first day of the Battle of …show more content…

“I want you to do everything necessary to get the boys ready…do what you can. The little things. See to the water. Once the army is gathered in one place all the water will run dry. See to it, George” (Shaara 67). It does no good to move your men if they arrive starving, thirsty, or without ammunition; but when the needs of the soldiers are met, the army becomes stronger and more able to effectively carry out directions. On the second day of battle, Longstreet argues strongly against Pickett’s Charge, worrying for the lives of his men. But when Lee disagrees, Longstreet confesses to Hood, saying, “I argued it yesterday. I argued it all morning. Hell, I’ve been arguing against any attack at all. How can I call this one off? We have our orders. Go on” (Shaara 201). He did all that he could from the position that he was in, he had no other choice but to follow orders under protest. Nonetheless, his sense of responsibility showed the true concern he had for the lives of his men and for the outcome of the

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