Jack The Ripper Thesis

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Jack the Ripper
In the month of August, in the year 1888, terrible atrocities would start to happen in Whitechapel, London. A killer who would later take the name ‘Jack the Ripper,’ began mutilating and murdering women (“Jack the Ripper” 1). He did his work in violent alley ways and streets taken over by gangs. It is believed that the Ripper had knowledge of anatomy due to of the nature of his crimes. It is also believed that the Ripper started with a series of smaller crimes leading up to the murders.
Statistically, it is highly unlikely that the Ripper would have started out randomly with such harsh murders (Begg 10). Throughout history most serial killers started with small things leading up to the murders they commit (Begg 11). The ripper …show more content…

In the early morning hours two men walking to work came across Ms. Nichols with her throat slit in two places.The slits to Marry Ann Nichols's neck almost cut off her head. Ms. Nicholas's stomach was deeply and roughly cut open. The Ripper’s next victim would be a woman by the name of Annie Chapman. At 5:30 a.m., a neighbor reported hearing a female voice shout, “No!” some other noises and twenty minutes later Annie Chapman was found by John Davis (Whitechapeljack.com 1). Chapman’s stomach was cut open and her intestines were thrown over her shoulder. Also, Chapman’s throat was slashed and parts of her uterus had been taken …show more content…

A few weeks after the Chapman murder , the body of Elizabeth Stride was found in Dutfield's yard . The throat of Stride had been slit along with her stomach. The crime seemed rushed unlike the rippers other murders, so it is believed that he was interrupted. About five minutes after Stride’s body was found, Catherine Elizabeth Eddowes body was found in Mitre Square. Catherine Elizabeth had her throat slit like Strides and a majority of her uterus was removed (Whitechapeljack 1). There is story titled “Fairy Fay’’ that seems based on Eddowes murder because the real murder and the story are a lot alike. In the story Fairy Fay’s body was found in the same place as Eddowes in the same condition. Eddowes murder got so much attention because it was the only time the Ripper claimed two victims in the same night (Begg 30). The people in London actually referred to the Stride-Eddowes murder as the double event. Stride’s murder did not gain as much attention as Eddowes; Eddowes murder is the most famous of the Canonical five. Although Eddowes murder is the most famous, Jack the Ripper would claim one more victim before his killings would come to a halt (Begg 15). A woman by the name of Mary Jane Kelly was found on November 9, 1888 and she was the Ripper’s most gruesome crime. Kelly’s body was found in her apartment by her landlord. Kelly’s stomach had be totally emptied and her

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