J.B. Priestley's Creation of Drama in An Inspector Calls

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J.B. Priestley's Creation of Drama in An Inspector Calls

"An Inspector Calls" was written by John Boynton Priestly who was born

in Yorkshire on the thirteenth of September 1894. When he was sixteen

he became a junior clerk with the local wool firm. Whilst working as a

junior clerk Priestly became more advanced within his writing career.

Priestly wrote "An Inspector Calls" in the space of one week near the

end of world war two. He wrote this play because he was interested in

politics and felt the need for a change as to the way poor people were

treated by the more higher-class citizens. He expressed his passion in

this play to get a message across to the public that there needed to

be a change in the social attitude of higher-class people.

In 1984, Priestly died of old age after being made a member of the

Order of Merit by the queen. He died at the age of 89.

The play was set in 1912 when Britain still had its empire and was

classed as a wealthy country. It was mainly set in the Birling

family's living room, where Inspector Goole questioned each of the

five members of the family.

Inspector Goole is part of a police force inspecting the suicide of

Eva Smith. Nobody really knows who or what the inspector is by the end

of the play, but as far as the characters are concerned he is just an

average inspector doing his job. The Inspector appears in the play to

be just like any other police officer, he asks questions and tries to

find the truth, using any evidence possible.

All characters in "An Inspector Calls" are extremely different. They

all have their own views and opinions as to what is right and what is

wrong. Mr. and Mrs. Birling are the most similar out of the family.

They both think that what they did was right and that they can not

take blame for what happened to Eva Smith. But they really played a

substantial role in the reason Eva killed herself.

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