Priestley's Social Message in An Inspector Calls

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Priestley's Social Message in An Inspector Calls The play an Inspector Call’s was written at the time of 1945 but is set in 1912. Priestley conveys a lot of social and important messages in this play. He conveys the messages through the character of Inspector Goole. One most important message that Priestley conveys is about Socialism. Socialism is one of the greatest messages that Priestley conveys. This message is spoken through the inspector. The Inspector represents Priestley’s strong moral views. Through the play, the Inspector’s character is shown as if he is Priestley’s image, and also shows that he is no ordinary Inspector. His character is shown as if he is more concerned with morality than legality, other than that of an ordinary Policeman/Inspector. The character of the Inspector has six main attributes about the Inspector, which show that he is not an ordinary Inspector, the name. His physical description, his views, catalyst, his impressions and his morality. The name of the Inspector is Goole. If spelt the other way, it is Ghoul, implying someone who has a morbid interest in death, or a spirit, which is said to take fresh life from corpses. The idea of him being ghostly and the significance of his name give the impression more like he is Priestley’s voice. The idea of him being ghostly also gives you the impression that he is like a figure of God seeing everything that humanity does to each other. The only physical impression you get of the Inspector is massiveness, solidity and purposefulness. Also he grows and remains solid when each of the other characters break down. The Inspector demonstrates his views of how people’s actions are responsible for how they affect the lives of others. He sees the world as a community where everyone should be helping each other (socialism). Because the character of the Inspector is always strong it also shows that Priestley views are strong, and that his opinion is right. The way Priestley gets the audience to take his side is to prove the

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