It's All About the Money, Money, Money..

525 Words2 Pages

Amazing, fabulous, and glitzy are the 3 words that come into mind when most people hear the word, “celebrities”. Well, they really aren’t. Think about all of the bad influencing they cause, think about all of the poverty in the world, and think about all of the people who are willing to risk their lives to save others. Today, despite the fact that all of these events are occurring; all what celebrities do is earn their high wages while spending them on useless trinkets. Do celebrities really deserve all of their money? My response is no.
First of all, most celebrities aren’t good role models. They can “mind control” kids with a wave of their hands! For instance, imagine a world with little, innocent kids copying Ke$ha’s and Justin Beiber’s every move. Celebrities can have all kinds of bad influencing on children, teens, and even adults! Imagine those once innocent kids using foul language, smoking, and using illegal drugs! Did you know that 9 % of all pop, 14% of all rock, 20% of all R&Bhip-hop, 36 % of all country, and 77% of all rap have highly censored content in them? That i...

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