Ithaca by C.P. Cavafy

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Ithaca by C.P. Cavafy

Everyone is given the opportunity to take the odyssey

that is "life, however it is important to make the journey as

memorable as one possibly can. The poem "Ithaca" by C.P. Cavafy

suggests that what is most important in life is the experience that is

incorporated with the journey, not necessarily just reaching the

ultimate goal. It is the quest, not the destination which matters

most. This message is conveyed through the poem through the use of

allusion, myth and symbolism.

The poem, "Ithaca", is based loosely around the great epic

the Odyssey by ancient Greek poet Homer. In the Odyssey the character

Odysseus trying to make his way home to his kingdom, Ithaca. The

character faces many vicious creatures and other challenges he must

endure in order to make it to the final goal. This is alluded to in

the poem, by making reference to one of the characters starting out on

"[his] journey to Ithaca" (line 1). C.P. Cavafy also refers to

mythological creatures such as "the Cyclopes and the fierce Poseidon"

(line 5), as well as "the Lestrygonians" (li...

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