Is The Decline Of Newspapers Bad For The United States?

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The trend of newspapers started around the time of 1690, started in Boston, and became popular very quickly. Now, we are entering the time of a technological era, where if anything is needed, it can be brought up on a smart device or computer in seconds, making newspaper irrelevant to this day and age. This has started the decline of newspapers around the world. Some people say that the decline of newspapers is a bad thing. However, how would one prove that the decline of newspapers is bad for the United States?

According to journalists, scholars, and activists (line 25-29), they argue that newspapers are central to a republican form of government. Citizen who are unable to obtain adequate information, cannot self-govern (line 26). Newspapers are here to inform the public so htat they can petition, speak, and write when dissatisfied with what is around them. Being without newspapers would be like being without a government.

Although there are still newspapers around today, there are no where as many as there were ten or even twenty years ago. In the time of the Internet, everything you need is online. There are even online newspapers you could reads if you wanted. Some newspaper companies are making their newspapers online now because of how much more convenient is it not …show more content…

Some areas that may have been very popular in newspapers are no longer available online, such as public affair reporting. This may not only kick some people out of jobs but also possibly cut down on the amount of people who bought the newspapers. A public affair report on the front page may have been the only reason that someone bought the newspaper, and now that it has been cut, it may lose some value. This will have national, regional, and local implications (line 61).This is also having a ripple effect on other media networks, such as radio

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