Is Lying Okay To Lie Essay

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Did you know that some people would admit to thinking it was OK to lie on a resume, cheat on taxes, and even lie to a mate about an experimental affair? Also in a poll up to two-thirds said it was okay to lie in certain circumstances. This why I firmly believe that lying is unacceptable in our society.
To live a life of constant lying can destroy trust in a relationship. For instance, Brad Blanton states, “lying is stressful and hurts relationships.”(5) Lying hurts relationships because if you lied to a close friend and they found out you lied they might not want to be your friend anymore, depending on how severe the lie was. Lying is stressful because you constantly have to keep worrying if the person you lied to will ever find out the truth. In addition, Sabrina, an 18-year-old Harold washington college freshman had this to say about lying, “ I have to remember the lies I told when I was in high school because my mom asks about… a thing I said back then. The worst thing I could do now is to have her find out about the lies I told… she would never trust me again.”(8) Sabrina being dishonest caused her to have some stress because she had to remember all the lies she told. Also if her mom found out Sabrina is a liar, it will hurt her and her mother's relationship …show more content…

If you lie a lot it can lead to your family and friends to start to not trust you. It also hurts relationships. Lying is never right because it makes you feel guilty and it makes you feel like a good-for-nothing bad guy. I believe we should raise awareness about lying and how it has negative outcomes. We are teaching the next generation that lying is good. Imagine this if there ever becomes a point where everybody is lying and no one is being truthful. You probably wouldn’t want to live in that world, your grandchildren will also probably wouldn't want to live in such a corrupt and evil world. Let's make a change for the better and try not to

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