Is Johnny A Hero In The Outsiders

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A hero, according to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary is “a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities”, or “one who shows courage”. Write an essay explaining why you believe each of the Greasers - Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally - could be considered a hero. Include your own definition of hero in the essay, and be sure to explain how each character, in his own way, meets your definition. Remember to support your ideas with examples. You went from being the person everyone hates to the person being considered a would probably wonder how that happened well I’ll tell you.In the Outsiders the greasers weren’t exactly compared to hero’s either.they were usually people known to beat people up and are the rude and poor people.this …show more content…

Ponyboy is very very heroic when he saw the church was on fire.He was the first one to run in to find the kids inside.In the rumble he helped them win against the socs.He didn’t get into a fight with Cherry and Marcia’s boyfriends.I consider Ponyboy to be the second biggest hero.Pony wasn’t like any “ordinary” greaser he was quite different and chose to be nice and not very nasty like the others which makes him a better hero. Johnny is a hero because he sacrificed his life for little kids.He went after Ponyboy and got really burnt up and was in critical condition.He was also a heroic person when he saved Pony from being drowned by Bob and Randy.He also stood up to Dally at the drive in and nobody has ever done that.I consider him to be very heroic. To conclude they are all considered hero’s.They all have characteristics of hero’s and are all heroic.Johnny,Dally,and Ponyboy are hero’s in their own ways.This essay was on how there’s different types of heroes.This is how the Outsiders characters are considered

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