Is Johnny A Hero In The Outsiders

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What do you think a hero is? A hero is someone who helps people. The main trait of a hero would be brave. Some examples of a hero would be in the S.E. Hinton book The Outsiders. By the end of the book Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally are heroes because of their bravery. Ponyboy is a hero because he is brave. After Johnny killed Bob they went to hide in the old abandon church on on Jay mountain. While Johnny was there Ponyboy stayed with him even though he was not in trouble. Dally came to get them later and they returned to the church it was on fire. Ponyboy stood there thinking it was his fault then he heard children were inside the church. He ran inside the church to save them. Even though there was no evidence that he started the fire and adults told him not to go. …show more content…

Johnny is a hero because of bravery like Ponyboy. For example when Johnny killed Bob he did it to save Ponyboy. If you killed someone you'd need to be brave to do it. After that event Johnny and Ponyboy went to the old abandoned church on Jay Mountain to hide. They left the church with Dally and went to Dairy Queen to talk. When they were talking Johnny said he was going to turn himself in. That was a brave decision because he could be executed. Next they went back to the church and as they pulled up they saw the church was on fire. They ran into the church to rescue the kids, even though they could have

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