Is Facebook Making Us Lonely By Stephen Marche

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A recent finding showed that the online social media network- Facebook, has a billion users in a single day (Lee, 2015). It is without doubt, that advancement in technology has a significant impact on the rise of individuals logging onto Facebook, on a daily basis (look for reference). Self-examination on the amount of time spent daily on Facebook has led to a realization, that it prevents an individual from socializing and building relationships with others, as one is constantly on their mobile phone checking for recent updates and posts; thus it can create a feeling of isolation to others in your company. A few years ago, Stephen Marche wrote an article titled “ Is Facebook Making Us Lonely” (Marche, 2012) . Marche (2012) discusses whether …show more content…

Second, otherwiseindividuals For example, Miora Burks mentions that “
“on Facebook, as everywhere else, correlation is not causation” (Reference). This suggests that there are different outlooks on Facebook. Facebook is nothing but a tool and it will not affect an individual’s personality (reference). It can be said that loneliness is brought upon ourselves; as we change our meaning of solitude through the use of Facebook to a less desirable form (reference- who said …show more content…

I am in total concurrence and agreement with that. I keenly remember the advent of Facebook, it was a new age and with excitement, the idea of being instantly connected to my friends who even lived far was very astonishing to me. As a boy of 12 years old, I had always been fascinated with technological advances and Facebook was the status quo for everyone. You had to be on it or you were just a bland kid who wasn’t cool. Looking back at my relationships with people before and after I joined Facebook, I cannot help but agree that Facebook actually makes us lonelier people. Before Facebook, I remember how I used to spend more physical fun times talking to a host of my friends and actually hanging out, making time to hangout with my family and discuss new improvements in my life with my mom. (re-phrase) Dramatic changes can be seen in those trends, not just in oneself, but in everyone else that became engulfed with Facebook,typing endlessly and actually forgetting the essence of real human relationships, an experience that staring at a computer screen will never afford us (re-phrase: you need to read our your work to yourself)

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