Iroquois League's Social Structure

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The Iroquois League’s social structure is quite a fascinating one. The Iroquois League was created by Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, and Seneca tribes. With a pacifist perspective as their base, those nations created a treaty with all of the other non-Iroquois tribes. The council have 50 sachems, or chiefs. However, when the Tuscarora tribe joined in 1722, no more sachems were added. All sachems are equal to one another, but ones with more oral and social skills are the ones with more influence. The council was legislative, executive, and judicial. Men fought, while women raised children. The women also farmed, gathered, cleaned, and tanned the hides of buffalo and oxen. Within the league, there's a group of people who formed chiefs. The

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