Irony of Oedipus

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Even before this story begins, irony is brewing and continues throughout the pages. The creative author is using this enticing technique as a backbone for his play, and also as a key component in foreshadowing the tragic plot. Oedipus Rex by Sophocles is filled with many different ironies, so much so, that this reoccurring element tremendously affects the outcome of the story. Throughout his existence, Oedipus, the protagonist has multiple oracles prophesied about him. The first once occurs at his birth and drastically changes his life. It sadly states that he would grow up to kill his father and mother. Upon hearing this horrific news, his parents decide it would be advantageous to dispose of their child. Responding to the terror of the evil oracle, they contract a herdsman to stake their child’s ankles to a mountain to ensure an impossible escape from death. Fortunately for the young boy, he is discovered and is given to the King and Queen of Corinth. They have no children to care for or have as their heir, so this event brings them great delight. These proceedings were never discl...

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