Iowa Learning Farm Research Paper

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Iowa Learning Farms: Iowa State’s Land-Grant Mission
The land-grant mission of Iowa State emphasizes students being problem solvers and researching improvement and protection of crops. The main purpose is to protect the planet by action and research so that it can be an international impact. Many articles, postings, research, and videos are shared through the Iowa Learning Farms Organization. The Iowa Learning Farms has a tremendous impact towards research and most of what the land-grant states.
The mission and vision of Iowa state is what gives students and professors a purpose to teach, listen, and do research. We are the future and the land-grant states, “… educating the leaders of tomorrow.”. The purpose is to better the future and continue …show more content…

The Iowa Learning Farm is an organization with partners that construct research and share with the world. Which applies to part of the land-grant “sharing knowledge beyond borders”. Articles, conversations, newsletters, and events are all posted and held by the Iowa Learning Farms Organization. For example, an article titled “Land use changes can benefit fields and profits” explains how changing by adding or removing certain crops can increase production. Contributing to spreading knowledge to students, young adults, and researchers to resolve an issue or support the future of the planet. Many events are held monthly such as workshops to get hands-on experience as stated in the land-grant mission “The university emphasizes learning by doing.”. In broad terms the land-grant mission strongly believes in learning by doing, just talking and knowing doesn’t do anything unless you do …show more content…

We are passionate about the reduction and improvement in crops and production. Many of students at Iowa State are going to school for Agriculture and knowing the land-grant mission could help them be more passionate. The mission at Iowa State could help a student to find the will to excel in whatever it is there are doing. The Iowa Learning Farms Organization and Iowa State research and knowledge sharing isn’t just for ourselves, it is for the mid-west, Iowa, the nation, and potential globally. That is why the research being done and the effort we put forth is so important. You may never know what you discover but everyone has the potential to discover something world

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