Investigating Why Younger People Supported the Nazis

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Investigating Why Younger People Supported the Nazis Young people supported the Nazis because of the excitement and activities. However there were other reasons, which attracted young people into supporting the Nazis, I will explain these in my essay. I agree with the statement 'the most important reason why young people supported the Nazis was the excitement and the activities'. The youths took part in many activities such as marching, signalling, fixing bikes, collecting scrap metal etc… There was a large emphasis on sport and fitness, this built up teamwork. They learnt about Nazi theory, which was all about the Nazis views such as Nationalism. I think the most controversial aspect they learnt was whilst they were attending summer camps, where they trained for war. This was very fun for them but at the same time it was preparing them for Hitler's army, which is exactly where they went after their education. The excitement came from feeling important when they were wearing there uniforms and when going on marches. They basically learnt all about the Nazis and war, which links to my next point. Another reason why youths supported the Nazis was education. A factor of education could be classed as peer pressure as teachers taught about the Nazi views, and all supported the Nazis. This was because all the teachers who didn't go along with the Nazis were sacked. As a child if you didn't support the Nazis you would receive little or even no education at all. The boys learnt about the history of the Nazis, biology to explain the Nazi race and population control etc… Geography taught them about the lands. They also did physical education again showing the emphasis on fitness. Girls learnt about domestic sciences and eugenics and the girls were brought up to solely have the men's babies, and to learn about looking after their homes. The girl's uniforms where based on peasant uniforms, which suggested Hitler was showing/teaching them about being less important than men like peasants compared to them.

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