Investigating Osmosis in Potato Tissue

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Investigating Osmosis in Potato Tissue

Aim-We are going to investigate how 'osmosis' is effected by higher

and lower concentrations of water using potato cylinders as

selectively permeable membranes. A selectively permeable membrane is

something only water molecules can pass through.

We will cut eighteen potato cylinders to the same width and length

using a scalpel and a corer on a white tile. We shall use the same

potato for each cylinder. The cylinders should then be around the same

mass. The corer is used to get the actual shape (cylinder) and the

scalpel is used to cut off the bits of potato skin that may effect the

experiment. The scalpel has a thin and very sharp blade to ensure the

length is cut accurately. Each potato cylinder must be measured with a

ruler to ensure that they are all the same length when cutting the

skin off the top and bottom of each cylinder.

Same Diameter + Same Length = Same Surface Area

We will then weigh the potato cylinders and record their mass, using

electric scales (electric scales give very accurate readings to 2d.p),

and then place the potato cylinders into six specimen tubes, (three

potato cylinders in each one). Each specimen tube will have a screw

top to stop any of the solution evaporating. They will contain

different concentrations of water with six different amounts of

sucrose in them. Using a syringe or a pipette will make the

concentration of each solution, by adding the sucrose to the distilled

water. This will be done in a measuring cylinder to get the

appropriate amounts of distilled water and sucrose solution. Three

hours later we shall come back, weigh the potato cylinders and record

how the mass has changed in the last three hours.

This plan above is a good way of carrying out the task because osmosis

needs quite some time to take place, that's why we are going to leave

the experiment three hours before recording the mass change. Also

getting the shape of each potato cylinder is important because any

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