Intimate Partner Abuse Theory

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Chapter 8 entitled, Intimate Partner Abuse, outlines and dwells on the victims in abusive relationships. Intimate partner abuse is when an individual in a relationship purposely hurts another person physically and or as well as emotionally. IPA and domestic violence correlates because the abuse usually comes from a current or past lover. The factors that can contribute to intimate partner abuse is the individual, relationship, community and societal. There are two forms of violence throughout IPA which is yelling and throwing objects and the more intense form would be striking and hitting. The cycle theory of violence gives one reasoning as to why battered individuals stay in an abusive relationship. The cycle theory of violence has three …show more content…

Battered woman syndrome suggests that victims of intimate partner abuse become immune to the abuse and believe they no other option but to stay with their abuser. It interested me because its sad that there are individuals in the world who can not see away out of being abused and could potential be costing themselves their lives because they’re living in fear of someone who is supposed to love and care for them. Another theory that caught my interest about battered individuals is the traumatic bonding theory, which explains that some victims stay with their abuser because of a hidden attachment one grows after leaving their abuser. The Stockholm theory is when victims are held hostage and begin to develop positive captors due to need of survival. Other factors of IPA include ones’ social status, power, dependency, alcohol, pregnancy and marriage. An offender has lots of control and power over their victim. The power an offender holds over their victim in many cause fuels their urge to continue to abuse them because the feeling of empowerment they feel. Marriage dependency is another leading factor in domestic due for their need of what their offender can provide for them. An individual who is economically dependent on someone is more likely to deal with severe situations like physical

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