Prose And Abuse In Hillary Potter's Battle Cries

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In Hillary Potters “Battle Cries” Black women are constantly abused by their intimate partners. Abuse is described to be triggered by a number of different factors. Factors were the entitlement of the man, age of the victims, socioeconomics, race, and repeated victimization, termination of the relationship, jealousy, and substance abuse. First, you have men who believed they were entitled to control the women. He was the hierarchy figure in the relationship. The woman’s respect towards the man was demanded rather than earned. She was to obey his orders and comply with his every decision. If not, she was to be punished by any means necessary. Along with this you have men who felt that “It’s a man thing.” This was the way of life of which they felt was a part …show more content…

Almost as if they were to be trained as an animal. Second, socioeconomic status was a key factor in abusive relationships. Lower income women are proven to be more frequently victims of domestic violence than wealthier women. Situations where the male partner is underemployed or unemployed, he’s not seeking employment, or they are residing in a poor neighborhood all can have an impact of on abusive relationships. Third, some batterers were abused themselves. Here, batterers were abused during their upbringing whether it be physical, verbal, or sexually abused. They may have also witnessed domestic violence as a part of their childhood. From here, being abusive was embedded in their mind. They were confused about a healthy relationship. Using violence as a means of power and control was the way of life. Boys who witness domestic violence are more likely to batter as an adult. Fourth, race was another factor when being abusive. Black women seem to be more disrespectful towards men and talk out of line resulting in abuse. Black women also worry about the repercussions of reporting domestic violence. A lot of abusive relationships go

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