Interview Essay

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An interview is a meeting and a conversation that happens between a potential candidate for a job position in a company and an interviewer, for the main purpose of the interviewer collecting information about the interviewee - such as their job experiences, qualities, and skills - to determine the eligibility of the interviewee’s capability to take that position in that company.

B. Importance of knowing the interview process

In general, contemporary times have made higher education really important as more high school students enroll in universities to earn an undergraduate degree in order to remain competitive in the job market. However, it is also very crucial for undergraduate students to gain skills or information that might aid them in their professional career once they graduate. Knowing about how interviews generally work may help prospective employees (undergraduate students) to get familiar and feel comfortable enough in an interview to effectively market their skills and capabilities to the interviewer, hence; being more competitive and increasing their possibility of being hired?

Benefits of knowing the interview process and the interview itself can be summarized for both parties as the following:

Benefits for the interviewee:

1. Being more competitive by knowing what the interviewer seeks, and effectively deliver that information.
2. Perfect chance to prove their personality.
3. Get a glimpse of the company’s culture or general attitude.
Benefits for the interviewer:
1. Know the attitude and personality of the interviewee or the candidate.
2. Checking the validity of the résumé.
3. Deciding whether the candidate is suitable for the job position or not.
C. Prior knowledge needed before taking an interview:...

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... of the qualities that they like most about you—work related, of course.

2- When you have the list of qualities, try to look for some faults. Of course you won’t tell your prospective employer about these faults but just in case they asked you about them you know what to say. Sometimes in interview they ask you “what is your weakness?” By knowing your faults you will be able to choose something harmless or you could turn it into something positive.

Second step is:
Search about the company that you got the call from
1. Searching about the company will help you in order to answer the interview questions. As well as it will help you ask some questions that may emphasize your position or your chance to be one the company’s employers.
2. Visit the website’s company and read a lot of information of;
1. The service of the company
1.1. History of the company.

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