Instagram Narcissism And The Badge Of The Selfie Analysis

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In the article “#Me: Instagram Narcissism and the Scourge of the Selfie,” John Paul Titlow say’s that “Instagram is the breeding ground for many people’s most narcissistic tendencies.”(122). I disagree with this statement because Instagram is a very useful tool and allows people all over the world to communicate and seek places unknown to them. Most people around the world use Instagram, whether it be to post pictures of their daily life or just simply themselves posing in a mirror. The pictures posted on instagram range from all different types of lifestyles. Some people post pictures from Antarctica and others from California. This internet-based photo sharing application was created so that users could share photos of their life either …show more content…

I believe that most of the pictures on Instagram are not really all that intimate. Instagram also provides the option to report a picture if it is too “intimate.” Titlow also points out that girls post pictures laying in bed and boys post pictures of themselves shirtless in front of a mirror. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with that. A girl laying in bed does not mean she is trying to get all of the guy’s attention and a boy standing in front of a mirror shirtless does not mean he is trying to show off or reveal more of his body than he should. The pictures that people post on Instagram is how they express themselves and who are we to …show more content…

Instagram allows people all over the world to get a glimpse of how everyone else makes a living. It not only enables people to post pictures of whatever they want, but it also enables others around the world to like and comment their own thoughts. Your profile on Instagram is supposed to be about yourself. What is the point of having a profile if you can not post a lot about yourself? Instagram is hands down one of the most popular applications in today's world and has given many people across the world a chance to create a lifetime of memories through the click of a

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