Insomnia Case Study

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Insomnia is a common sleep disorder. People who have insomnia have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or both. As a result, they may get an little amount of sleep or have a poor-quality of sleep. They may not feel refreshed when they wake up. There are four types of Insomnia. One is called Primary Insomnia; Primary Insomnia dictates that a person is having problems sleeping that are not directly correlated with any other health condition or problem. Then there is Secondary Insomnia, Secondary Insomnia indicates that a person is having sleep problems due to something else, such as a preexisting health condition. Acute Insomnia is short-term insomnia with minimum problems. Chronic Insomnia is ongoing and may have more problems. Many different things in everyday life can cause Insomnia. Symptoms can vary to, people may find themselves waking up in the middle of the night, or just can't sleep at all. Treatments may very also, different sufferers may try different treatments to help their problem.

Introduction Everyone has had nights where they toss and turn in bed worrying about getting enough sleep, to make it through the next day (Insomnia:Overview, 2017; Insomnia, 2017). If constant worry or bad sleep habits are preventing people from getting some good rest. They may be suffering from …show more content…

(National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, 2011) This therapy will teach patients new techniques and skills to overcome Insomnia. At CBT patients can learn relaxation techniques. (Clinic, 2016) Cumulative muscle relaxation, and breathing exercises are ways to reduce anxiety at bedtime (Clinic, 2016) . Here they can learn light therapy. A way people can use light to push back their internal clock (Clinic, 2016). While using CBT patients may learn Stimulus control therapy. This method teaches patients to remove factors that restrain your mind to sleep (Clinic,

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