Informative Speech On Pozoles

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Late winter around December my grandmother (Eloisa) and aunt (Chavela) usually visit California from Washington State for Christmas and New Year’s Eve. It’s very exciting when all my family gets together and meets up at my other aunt (Rosalba’s) house not only because we’re all together but because we all know my grandma and aunt from are going to feed us good. Today I will be sharing with all of you, Pozole which represents my Mexican heritage. First, I will present a brief history of the Mexican dish pozole and second, some beloved memories of my grandmother and aunt making pozole and making sure my whole family ate until we couldn’t anymore. I. History (A. Pozole and B. early odd pozole) A. Origins of pozole Mexican stew, pork, hominy, servings alongside …show more content…

One of the main components of pozole is the hominy, which is basically processed maize or corn. Aztecs, and the other indigenous people of Mesoamerica, cooked pozole only on special occasions.” B. Early odd pozole Human flesh, special occasions, Sacrificed people, gods, bodies, Spanish In the book “General History of the Things of New Spain” by Fray Bernandino de Sahagun he states that people would eat pots of stew with corn and human flesh. The Spanish banned cannibalism with pork. Now that I have presented the history of pozole, I will now go on to discuss memories of my grandmother and aunt’s tasteful pozole. II. Memories (A. Distant and B.

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