Informative Speech On Heart Disease

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Heart Disease is a very dangerous and life threatening disease caused by the hardening of the arteries, this causes them to become narrow, making blood flow slower. This disease can be scary and unexpected but there are ways to know you have it and ways to prevent it.
There are many symptoms that come along with Heart Disease, but there are few that are most popular. Dizziness, sweating, feeling ill or nausea, and chest pain are just some of the many different symptoms. If experiencing any of these, you should visit your doctor. While visiting your doctor, if you have had many of these, you should let them know of all that have occurred so they know exactly what to treat you with, and when the are scanning you they already have an idea of …show more content…

After tests were ran, people who had at least one parent diagnosed with this disease, had a 40-60% more chance to inherit the disease. Heart Disease is not prone to be diagnosed because of a life style, although if one does have a poor lifestyle and does not worry about what goes into their body, they can too be diagnosed with Heart Disease.
There will be and can be many changes in your life after diagnosed with Heart Disease. When living with this disease you will need to focus greatly on the food you eat and making sure you workout regularly. Everyday you will need to remember to take your pills and medications when needed. You will also have to make trips to the doctor and keep up with your cardiac rehab to make sure your heart is functioning correctly. You’ll have to manage your time well enough to stay on track with your new daily …show more content…

Those diagnosed may feel upset and down because they can’t do all of the things they could before or they may feel embarrassed to say they have Heart Disease. People with this disease tend to get depressed very quickly and think that life isn’t fair and it affects their wellbeing. The people around them, close friends, and relatives have to experience their mood changes and the difference in their attitude from before and after diagnosed. Because this disease causes such a negative vibe, it causes our society to be more unhappy with a higher rate of depression in these communities. Those diagnosed with Heart Disease are not expected to live a long life. This divides families up, and can leave children without their mothers or fathers. Our society becomes more divided

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