Informative Speech: Attention Getter For High School Athlete

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Attention Getter: Mia Hamm. Peyton Manning. Steve Nash. Here are just a few great athletes that most of us have heard of. But what is it that makes us look up to them? What is it that makes them great? The truth is that sports are only a small part of what makes a person worthy of looking up to. Background information (if applicable): The participation in high school sports this year topped 7.8 million athletes nationwide, which includes 54% of all high school students taking part in athletics (Chen). Credibility statement (if applicable): Like many of you, I started playing soccer at the YMCA when I was four years old and I continue to play sports today so I have seen both the positive and negative aspects that athletics can have. Preview of Main Points: …show more content…

Participation in sports has proven to increase self-discipline and self-esteem, and can teach athletes to learn from their mistakes and move on (Issitt). Athletes playing team sports also develop the ability to work well with others and use teamwork in their everyday lives. Teammates form relationships that are strengthened over a common passion and goal. These relationships can last long after high school is over (Chen). These social skills translate into better communication used with an athlete’s family, peers, and in the community. Likewise, “A 2006 study in Maryland found that student athletes are 15 percent more likely than non athletes to be involved in their communities and to take the time for civic engagements, including participating in voting and volunteer activities” (Issitt). The same study also concluded that athletes are far more likely to be comfortable with public speaking than non-athletes. This study provides concrete evidence that high school sports can help to gain mental and social skills that will be used later in life

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