Should High School Sports Be No Longer Essay

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Should school sports be no longer? Well, my viewpoint of this issue is that we shouldn’t get rid of them. I believe that sports are a good thing for kids. Sports have helped kids with their social skills by preparing them early on in life. It makes kids get up and moving. Parents won’t have to worry about their child being lazy and unfit. Overall the students have fun and celebrate their wins at the school, which increases school spirit. My point being, that if sports are no longer in school, students would not be receiving the benefits I just mentioned.

Sports have helped kids learn social skills that are needed in the future. For example, in the article “Are high school sports good for kids?” By Daniel Gould, PH.d, It says “the mission statement of National Federation of state high school activity Associations indicates that it promotes ‘participation and sportsmanship’ in an effort to ‘develop good citizens through interscholastic activities which provide equitable opportunities, positive recognition and learning experiences to students while maximizing the achievement of educational goals.” This is a great advantage because I know that there are some kids who struggle to be social. If kids have a problem being social in life then how could they possibly work at a public job. It allows students to get …show more content…

Being in a sport helps maintain activity levels high for most students. Being fit prevents kids from getting heart disease. In the article "What in the name of football?" by Hank Hill, the article states that " The single greatest factor in preventing the nation's number one killer -heart disease- is regular vigorous exercise." That get's my vote. What this part of the article is telling me is that kids who exercise are less likely to suffer from heart disease. If we so happen to remove sports from the school, the kids would have a greater risk of suffering a heart

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