Informative Essay: Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming

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For many people dreaming is a true escape from reality, others fear their very own dreams, but what is dreaming? Is it merely your subconscious trying to tell you something or your imagination running wild? Dreams are a series of thoughts, images and sensations that occur in a persons mind during sleep. Researchers still aren't one hundred percent sure as to why we dream but there are many theories. One of the most popular theories is that dreams help the brain sort through everyday information that it collects. For example your brain is fed millions of details every day, things like the color of passing cars, which is a minor sensory detail and the presentation you're putting together for work, which are more complex sensory details. During sleep your brain works to decide which information is worth keeping and which your brain can get rid of. Many philosophers feel that dreams play a large roll in this process of brain decluttering. Everyone dreams however, the amount of dreams remembered varies from person to person. People are more likely to remember their dreams if they occur during the REM sleep cycle. The brain …show more content…

Tibetan Buddhists during the eight century were the first to teach the ability to lucid dream. They learned how to control their dreams with a thing called dream yoga, which is a technique that is now known as wake induced lucid dreams or WILD. Lucid dreaming is when you maintain full consciousness while sleeping. Although the term Lucid means clear to lucid dream means more than just having a clear dream. To have a lucid dream means you must know you are dreaming. The term “lucid dreaming” was first used by Marquis d’Hervey de Saint-Denys in 1867 however the credit is usually given to Dutch psychiatrist, Frederik van Eeden. van Eeden wrote: “the seventh type of dreams, which I call lucid dreams, seem to be the most interesting and worthy of careful observation and

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