Informative Essay On The Witcher 3

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The wait is almost over. Since its announcement over two years ago, both longtime fans and newcomers have been anxiously awaiting this latest entry into the Witcher franchise. Personally this is my most anticipated game of 2015, and I can’t wait to get my hands on it. Not sure if this is the game for you, or maybe you just want to know a little more about it? Here is a list of ten things you should know about the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Story Picking off soon after the events of The Witcher 2, Geralt is chasing down his long lost love interest, Yennifer. In the process he hopes to find answers regarding her disappearance, and even his own mysterious past. It’s not going to be easy however. The world is in ruins around Geralt. The Empire of Nilfgaard has again attacked the Northern Kingdoms, leaving death and destruction in their wake. It’s up to Geralt to restore some semblance of order to this world, while simultaneously continuing his quest to eliminate the legendary Wild Hunt. Don’t know …show more content…

Geralt, a monster hunter for hire, has a backstory that is both complex and mysterious. After having been killed by a group of non-humans, Geralt returns to life with no memory regarding his reappearance or the last several years. In the past two games, players have discovered the secrets of Geralt’s life as he does, and both parties hope to have all their questions answered in the final installment of the franchise. It wouldn’t be a Witcher game without a collection of interesting character however. Besides the new playable character Ciri, perhaps the most interesting new character to the game in Emperor Emhyr Var Emreis. Why should you be excited? Well is you are familiar with the HBO series Game of Thrones, then you will likely recognize that Charles Dance (Tywin Lannister) is the voice actor for the character. If his talent on the show is any indication, expect to be blown away by his performance in the

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