Informative Essay On Reel Mowers

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If your grandparents had a reel lawn mower, you might still suffer from nightmares that feature the effort it took to use that life-sucking beast.
Not only was it hard to push, but it was egregiously heavy as well! Mowing the lawn required strength, time, and unsurprisingly, tons of expletives.
But times change, and the reel lawn mower has undergone an incredible evolution. Today’s reel mowers are a far cry from the abominable beasts of the twentieth century.
In fact, today’s reel mowers are widely sought after for the multitudinous benefits they offer.
Advantages of reel mowers
How is a reel mower better than traditional gas or even electric-powered mowers?
They’re cheap. An excellent reel mower costs only a fraction of the price a good push or riding mower would cost you. …show more content…

While proponents of electric mowers frequently cite electric operation as an advantage, it’s important to remember that electricity is only as green as its source. Reel mowers, in contrast, are completely green since the only source of power they require is the elbow grease that you supply.
They cut better. Traditional mowers have rotary blades which chop off the top of grass blades and shred your turf. A reel mower’s cut is analogous to a scissor’s - it’s always completely even. There’s a reason why most golf courses use reel mowers.
They make virtually noise. While electric mowers are quieter than gas-powered ones, they’re still pretty noisy. Reel mowers make very little noise. The only sound you’ll hear is the grass being cut, which means you can even mow your lawn at midnight.
Disadvantages of reel

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