Essay On Emphysema

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Respiratory System Emphysema One of the common diseases in the respiratory system that many people around the world face is emphysema or also known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It is a chronic lung condition where the alveoli or air sacs may be damaged or enlarged resulting in short of breath (Mayo Clinic, 2011). If emphysema is left untreated, it will worsen causing the sphere shaped air sacs to come together making holes and reduce the surface area of the lungs and the amount of oxygen that travels through the bloodstream, blocking the airways of the lungs (Karriem- Norwood, 2012). The most common ways a patient can get emphysema are by cigarette smoking or being exposed to chemicals, dust or air pollutants for a long period of time. Common physical exams reveal a temperature of 100.8 Fahrenheit, 104 beats per minute, a blood pressure of 146/92, and a respiratory rate of 36 breaths per min (Karriem- Norwood, 2012). (see appendix A.1,A.2, A.3, A.4 for complete proof.) Diagnosis include a pulmonary function test, a test which helps measure the lungs ability to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. This type of test is performed with a special machine called spirometry (Mayo Clinic, 2011). A spirometry determines how well the lungs intake, hold, and utilize the air and can even detect the severity of lung disease and determine whether the disease has decreased airflow or a disruption of airflow has occurred. Another device used is a peak flow monitor (PFM). A device that measures the speed at which an individual can blow air out of lungs (Mayo Clinic, 2011). A doctor can diagnose a patient with symptoms that correspond to emphysema, such as a cough that doesn’t go away, coughing up a large sum of mucus, shor... ... middle of paper ... doing an MRI to observe if muscles are inflamed, a biopsy of muscle tissue or an electromyography to test the muscle by analyzing its electric activity (The Myositis Association, 2012). The levels of muscle protein may indicate muscle irritation and can determine the diagnosis of polymyositis. When a blood test is conducted, they are looking for high levels of muscle enzymes, creatine phosphokinase and aldolase (Muscular Dystrophy Association, 2013). These enzymes are released in the bloodstream when muscles are damaged. The primary medication for polymyositis is a corticosteroid drug, which decreases the symptoms that come with the disease such as inflammation. Unfortunately polymyositis cannot be cured and there are no preventative measures for a patient to not get polymyositis because it is more of a hereditary condition (Muscular Dystrophy Association, 2013).

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