Informative Essay On Halloween

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There is a very special, spooky event coming up this month! This holiday is celebrated every October 31st and traditional activities include bonfires, trick-or-treating, costume parties, visiting “haunted” houses and carving jack-o-lanterns. Yep, you guessed it: Halloween. 50% of Americans adorn their yard for this holiday, 120 million Americans dress up in costumes and 72% of adult Americans were reported handing candy out on this night. As you can already tell, this holiday is very popular amongst Americans and Junior High students like yourself because your grades are considered the prime age for trick-or-treating…but how much do you really know about this festival? Let’s find out.
Halloween has some roots dating back to the Celtics, where they would host a festival called Samhain in celebration of harvest. The celebrations would start on the evening of October 31st and ended on the first of November. Multiple bonfires would be lit during this time and the Celts would wear costumes and masks in an endeavor to ward off the evil spirits. They would recount stories about the Otherworld because the people believed this day would be when the dead would rise and roam freely amongst them. Despite popular belief, the festival was not to worship their God of the Dead although that may be where the dark theme revolving around Halloween originated from. …show more content…

You may already know the answer to this question, but where did the traditions originate from? As you already may know, the act of dressing up was to scare the spirits away, Many of the old traditions were formed around the bases of “scare them before they scare you”, thus the reasoning behind the

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