Informative Essay: Is Climate Change A Hoax?

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Is climate change a hoax? Unfortunately, climate change is not a democracy therefore the popular vote does not matter. On the other hand, facts and scientific evidence do. The subject of climate change is inarguably a controversial one. Despite the data provided, people believe it’s a conspiracy but it’s opposition arises from politics, not science.
Undoubtedly, the media is a major influence in the dilemma. The democratic links between mass opinion and policy allow a conspiracy-believing public to steer policy away from addressing climate change (Douglas & Sutton, 2015). Many factors have contributed to climate change, some natural such as vibrations in the orbit. However, scientific facts might lead us to believe that the vast majority is thanks to mankind. The greenhouse effect being one of them, such effect is defined as the trapping of the sun’s warmth in a planet’s lower atmosphere due to the greater transparency of the atmosphere to visible radiation from the sun than to infrared radiation emitted from the planet’s surface. For hundreds of years we have been aware that greenhouse gases such as CO2 trap heat but be …show more content…

“Political leaders cast doubt on the science.” (Blij, 2012) For instance, current U.S. President Donald Trump claimed in 2012 "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive." In like manner, many other political figures have disagreed with the scientific facts being presented, many believing they are being created by scientist with the aim of continued funding. Not unlike these theories, many people believe the government has intentionally caused climate change. For example, some people believe that oil companies are hiding technology that could make cars run without oil (Furnham, 2013). Due to the many different conspiracy theories, the issue does not only exist between believers and

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