Ineffective Parents in Today's Society

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Ineffective Parents in Today's Society

Before Will Smith started his big solo career as a rap artist, he and his friend, Jazzy Jeff, had a song called, "Parents Just Don't Understand." It was a big hit, particularly for youth. The song was about how 'parents just didn't understand' the trends and the way life was in those days for kids. Smith told about situations he had with his parents and his audience could easily relate to these situations, thus, making the song a hit. Smith was right on track with part of his message. Parents just don't understand. They do not understand that their job as parents is to pay attention to how they raise their children. Though there are parents who do a wonderful job raising their children, many parents neglect their responsibility in child development. In this paper, the following will be discussed: the diversion the government makes in the operation of parental duties when it steps in to discipline a young person, and the parents teaching discipline in values and morals.

There are times when government action prevents parents from developing the child themselves. According to Liz Seymour, Los Angeles Times staff writer, one instance involves a high school senior. He was not caught with enough marijuana after being pulled over to receive a citation, but his school decided to transfer him to another school "89 days before graduation" (Seymour B2). After his parents took the issue to court and won, the senior stayed and did not transfer. The punishment exceeded the severity of the crime. Why did the school system think that exporting this student would help his life and education? A new school will not solve a drug problem. Another case in St. Petersburg reflects another situat...

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... similar instances. For 'bad seed' youth, the roots to their problems start with the individuals themselves. From there, it branches out to worse things. Both the root and branches can be signs of underdevelopment. Here is where the parent receives a sign telling them their work is not good enough.

It is clear that there are times when society gets in the parents' way of raising their child, yet in the midst of that, the parent misses the parts of teaching discipline, morals and values. The popular saying goes like this: It takes a village to raise a child. However, the village can get in the parent's way and then there are problems. The parent should have the most impact in raising a child. Society can be there for nurturing, but the main job should be done by the parents. And that is what is missing in the world today. Parents are not doing their job.

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