Industrial Revolution Dbq

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During the time of the industrial revolution many people in society had either a hard or easy life. Some had to have their kids go to work so they could afford dinner. Others could sit back and watch children work for them. Also during this time the economy and the ecosystem were either in a good or bad state too. There was a lot of new ways to make money and lose money too. While that was happening there were many factories that caused a very bad amount of pollution. This ranged from drilling up oil to producing steel. While the industrial revolution was going on there were many positives and also negatives. A negative would be the amount of pollution. The amount of pollution was so great you could see dark clouds of smoke going to the air from factories(doc 6). There were also oil mines that also caused pollution this was because drilling fossil fuels can cause more pollution than it can cause. Also there were more people being born and more cities and that caused more factories and more working, causing a full circle in the pollution line. …show more content…

One positive would be how much this time period technologically advanced the world we know today. Without this time period there wouldn't be the idea of cars for the building frames made of steel (doc 3). With out this time we wouldn't have the mass production of material we have. We wouldn't be able to have such great buildings and other objects needed for essential life (doc 4). There were also many protest that went on because of horrible working conditions. The mass ammounts that would be protesting would overwhelm the buisness owners and thy would eventually have to do something (doc

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